Friday, February 12, 2010

China Rising? The Dragon Wakes Again

"Beware of China, for when the dragon wakes she will shake the world." Napoleon? That's what we're told, but actually there's no evidence that he ever said it.

But over the last decade a lot of "China Rising" talk has been going around, getting more intense in the last couple of years.

History News Network has a collection of recent posts gathered from the internet, "HNN Hot Topics: China Rising."

China Beat, our second most favorite blog (after this one) has run a powerful set of pieces on "Big China" books, that is, books that loudly hail or bemoan China's rise or menace. Jeffrey Wasserstrom, has roundup, "Six Takes on Martin Jacques," a follow up to his piece in Time Magazine online blog (Feb 8, 2010), "Big China Books: Enough of the Big Picture." Jeff skewers the Olympic scale conclusion jumping in a gaggle of these books, especially Martin Jacques, When China Rules the World : The End of the Western World and the Birth of a New Global Order.

Another recent well informed and provocative piece is Richard Rigby's "The Challenge of China" at East Asia Forum.

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