Saturday, February 9, 2013

Year of the Snake

    Last January I posted a list of resources on teaching Chinese New Year, so here's an update on websites and listings.

    • Chinese New Year -- or Lunar New Year? The Wikipedia article Chinese New Year is long and detailed,  with history and many customs. Here's a sampling to browse through:
    • Happy New Year of the Snake  Harvard-Yenching Library posts a bunch of snake images from around the world, including a wonderful Japanese Snake Charmer with a flute: 

    Thursday, January 24, 2013

    The Nail House and China's Construction Bubble

    For insight -- literally "sight into" -- China's construction bubble, see the story in the British paper, the Daily Mail last November," Won't sell up? Enjoy living in the middle of a motorway! Road is built around a house after elderly Chinese couple refuse to move" (click the link).

    It's got a series of photos which tell both of the construction boom and of the stubbornness of some people in resisting it.

    Tuesday, January 15, 2013

    Confucius in the Headlines? Well, Almost

    I've posted a piece at Frog in a Well called Ungraded Love or Double Standards? Stanley Fish, Stephen Asma, and Confucius which comments on a few recent op-ed articles in the NY Times. I point out that the arguments have much in common with the arguments Confucius and his critics had.

    I'd like to get your comments and thought there.